
Frequently Asked Questions

Our Tea has a surprisingly smooth gentle grass tea taste.

Grown on the eastern side of the Andes Mountains where the Amazon Jungle begins… this tea has been used by the native peoples for more than 500 years. Known locally as “Cuti-Cuti” which is Incan meaning “To Overcome”,

Multiple Studies from various Countries have been done on the effectiveness of the tea. Please reference the one referred to on The Tea page.

Our Tea Program is meant to work with your current Diet and Exercise Program. If you are taking medications now do not stop them. Add the daily tea and continue to monitor your glucose levels. As you see your numbers begin to decrease meet with your doctor about your success.

The tea has been sold in the US and Europe before but, due to how difficult it is to harvest and transport, suppliers gave up. Amazon River Tea Company has overcome these issues.

Yes. You can adjust your tea to taste with sugar free sweeteners with no negative effects.

Yes, Once your tea has cooled place it in the refrigerator.

Iquitos Peru is a port city at the headwaters of the Amazon River. The surrounding jungle is the  most plant rich environment in the world. There are an estimated 17,000 plant species in the immediate area. Most have gone unstudied for their medical benefits.

Yes, It IS Possible!

A 1989 Peruvian Amazon study published in Nature Magazine, showed that harvesting NTFPs (non-timber forest products) is SIX times more profitable than logging. This gives locals, and native Amazonians a bigger incentive to participate in harvesting NTFPs and to leave the unsustainable industries for a more sustainable means of income.

By purchasing sustainable harvested tea, you are supporting a sustainable revenue for the native inhabitants of Peru!