
Our Tea from the Andes Mountains

Gently harvested and carefully hand-picked, the plant is carried by foot to waiting boats and transported downstream to the river city of Iquitos. It is then dried, chopped, graded and packaged by our Peruvian Supplier in operation with a certified HACCP System.

Our Tea has a gentle grass tea flavor making it enjoyable to drink.

The benefits of our Tea:

  1. All-Natural and Holistic.
    1. No additives, fertilizers or chemical treatments.
  2. No Caffeine.
    1. No stimulates to interrupt daily activity or sleep patterns.
  3. No Side Effects.
    1. Multiple Studies have been conducted concluding no side effects from the tea. These research papers can be found online. One of the most recent at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6259833/#sec2-molecules-16-02527title. This is a copyrighted article from Molecules, 2011 Mar. 16(3): 2527-2521. Published online 2011 Mar 17.
  4. Easy to Maintain Your Health.
    1. 82% of people with Type 2 Diabetes are required to take increased dosages of pharmaceuticals. Our tea is shown to keep clients from having to increase their dosages of secondary medicines.
    2. Our tea requires One 8-ounce glass a day for 16 days to start then one 8-ounce glass a day thereafter.  If your Sugar Levels are higher just drink two glasses a day until you see them lower!